Choose Brothers for Excellent HVAC Service 

At Brothers Air, Heat and Plumbing, we work hard to ensure that you have the most comfortable home in any season. When you need to beat the chill or cool down in Charlotte, NC, we provide expert YORK HVAC service. 

Quality Service for YORK HVAC Systems 

When you make an investment in your HVAC system, you need equipment that will provide great performance and reliability. YORK manufactures top-quality air conditioners, heat pumps, furnaces, mini-split systems, and more. You can count on great output from all YORK products, and Brothers can help you every step of the way. 

Professional Installation and Repair 

The technicians at Brothers have the experience and knowledge to solve your heating and cooling problems, improve your home comfort, and decrease your energy consumption. We hire technicians who can handle all your HVAC needs. Whether you need help with heat pumps, furnaces, or air conditioners, you can rely on us to provide expert assistance. 

Commitment to Customer Satisfaction

At Brothers, we believe that customer satisfaction is our best long-term investment. We take time to listen to your concerns, and we work hard to make sure that we achieve your goals in every transaction. If you decide that our work does not meet your expectations within one year of the original invoice, we will work to correct the problem, remove the equipment, or offer you a full refund.

Reasons You Can Trust Brothers for Great Service

When you call Brothers for service for your YORK HVAC system, you’re forming a partnership with a company that maintains a commitment to your satisfaction. You can benefit from our services for the following reasons: 

  • Specialist Service: We offer the latest equipment from top-quality brands, including YORK. If you need help with a YORK system or you want to install new equipment, you can rely on us to understand the unique features of YORK products and your home.
  • Experienced Technicians: We maintain a team of experts who have the right capability to help you get the most from your YORK HVAC system. We stay current on the latest industry standards and best practices in order to deliver great service.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee: If you need additional help to meet your expectations, we can work out a plan to perform more work or refund your money.
  • Reliable Service: When you need unexpected repairs or an urgent replacement, you can count on us to provide efficient, effective, and professional work. 

Book an Appointment Today! 

If you need help with your HVAC system, you can call on Brothers for expert service in the Charlotte, NC, area. To learn more about our services, discover the benefits of YORK HVAC systems, or to schedule YORK air conditioning service, contact us today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What makes YORK stand out among HVAC manufacturers?

Since 1874, YORK stands out as a manufacturer of high-quality, industry-leading HVAC products for consumers, businesses, and more. For about 140 years, the company has dedicated its efforts to engineering, testing, and compliance to ensure that you get the best performance and efficiency for the money you pay.

How can Brothers help me choose a YORK HVAC system?

In order to choose the right YORK HVAC system for your home, you need a consultation from our technicians. We can perform a brief inspection of your home’s heating and cooling needs, discuss your expectations and budget, and outline various YORK HVAC products that could work for your home. We can help you make an educated decision.

Why should I hire Brothers to install a YORK system?

When you hire Brothers to install your YORK HVAC system, you get the benefit of our expertise throughout the lifespan of the equipment. Professional installation gives you the best chance for high performance and efficiency for the equipment. After installation, we can provide expert maintenance and repair services to help you get the most from your system over time.

How does Brothers guarantee customer satisfaction?

Brothers provides an Exceptional Service Guarantee for qualifying work. Within a year of the original invoice, if our work fails to meet your expectations, we can perform additional work to address your concerns. You may also request a removal of the equipment and a full refund.